Sunday, February 27, 2011


My night on the road ended much too soon, and we were up and on the road early. A couple hours later we snuck through a closed gate to get an impressive view of the Ajanta caves from above, as the sun rose. The horseshoe formation carved out of the rock was fantastic - it must have taken endless manpower to chisel out of the mountain.

We stopped for breakfast, and I was ravenous, having skipped dinner the night before. Perhaps that was a lucky move, as Mike was feeling ill, something he didn't really recover from all day. A local family - dozens of people -descended on the place we were eating. Some seem interested in the strange white people, and shared some of their snack of fried chickpeas with peanuts mixed it. Very good.

We were done in time to get to the gates of Ajanta just as the opened. These caves are famous for cave after cave of highly detailed paintings. Every square inch of these massive rooms were covering in ornate decoration. My fav was one where the carved the ceiling in a wavy pattern so it looked just like a giant tent!

And the monkeys! The are everywhere, playfully bounding all over the place. Guard your snacks carefully or you might find yourself on the wrong end of a primate-mugging!

It was time for the long trip home. We stopped by Sairandhree's aunt's place for afternoon tea, and to watch a bit of the India-England cricket match (ended in a tie.)  A successful weekend adventure. Oh, on the way home we passed an elephant. India!

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